Looking for plant ideas - 10 gallon tank


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The new tank will have 2.6 w/gallon, laterite substrate, DIY CO2

I'm looking for red or brown plants because I don't want it to be all green. I want it to be easy to maintain, although I want other things than Java Fern or Java Moss.

Any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Almost any plant will do. Bunch plants will be your best bet. DO NOT put an Amazon Sword plant in a ten gallon...I'm just warning you! I've got a sword that outgrew my 30G a long time ago (18" tall, 17" wide, and bowed at the stems).

Water sprite is great if you're breeding. Hygrophila polysperma (green hygro) would not be a bad choice. It grows fast, but easy to trim. Aponogentons tend to get too big (I've got one that's 17" high and 20 some-odd leaves that measure 3" x 8"), especially with CO2. Ludwigia Repens might actually be the plant you're looking for. It really loves CO2, and it's a beautiful plant. Green leaves on the top side, deep maroon on the bottom! Crypts would also be a great choice. Some Rotalla Indica may be in order. If you can keep it trimmed and growing fast (lots of light & nutrients, especially iron & CO2) it is a very nice plant to have. Its leaves get oval shaped, and very pink. Very nice contrast! Hygrophila difformis (water wisteria) might also be another consideration due to its lighter color. Maybe an anubias or two for the deep green color. You should not have a problem filling your tank with these!

You will need some plants that will grow fairly quickly to help outcompete the algae. With CO2 it's generally not a problem. Make sure not to overload your tank with crypts and anubias, and you will do just fine!

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
[quote author=Avalon link=board=aquaticplants&num=1028809079&start=0#2 date=08/09/02 at 20:19:54]
Green leaves on the top side, deep maroon on the bottom! [/quote]

Hey Avalon,

How much light(and kind) on what kind of tank do you have it in?

I kept this plant in a 55 gallon with 160 watts of normal florescent lights, it died every time.

I keep it with PC lighting in the same tank now(325 watts), and it is a stunning plant. Mine was as you described at first, but it is even prettier now that it growing, and it isn't all green on the topside  *thumbsup2*

Take a look.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Well, I ordered only one bunch. About half of it survived, and I just divided it and put it in two tanks:

A 10G with 30 watts light, no CO2, 100% flourite
and a 29G with 75 watts light, CO2, and soil/vermiculite substrate.

In the 10G, growth is super slow, with very compact leaves.
In the 29G, growth is still slow, but spacing of the leaves seems about right.

The color of both are about the same, but the leaves are a bit more green in the 10G. I'm thinking that the plants in the 29G aren't getting enough light because of a huge aponogenton crispus and a huge sword plant canopy 75% of the tank. I've got it in the open spot and it's probably 7-8" tall. The top leaves are a bit lighter green than the other leaves. The plants look good, meaning no signs of deficiencies, but they grow so slow! How fast does yours grow? What the heck am I missing? Everything else is growing like mad!