Looking for some feedback

Sep 13, 2009

Tank is 1 month old and im looking for any and all feedback. Good or bad, let me hear it. Tank looks dimmer then it really is due to a crappy camera along with low lighting that will be upgraded within the week. Mostly looking for suggestions on the layout of the tank and any comments you may have.

Sep 13, 2009
Hey the tank is 66 gallons and I would say it is cycled.
For fish I have;
6 glow tetras
4 neon tetras
6 zebra danios
1 pleco

Very basic stocking right now, focusing more on plants/layout at this time then fish.

The substrate is mineralized top soil capped by 1 inch of play sand. seems to be working great so far.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
You would say it's cycled? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite?

I really like the current layout and when the plants grow in more and start to "reproduce" it should look really nice!! I love the piece of driftwood you have! What type of plants do you have?

Sep 13, 2009
Ph = 7.8
No2 = 0
No3 = 0
Ammonia = 0.1


As far as plants go, I cant really say. The place I get mine from for w/e reason the guy doesnt label plants and doesnt know the names of them. They are in great condition and cheap so its a price to pay.

I know the small plants in the foreground that should carpet is called Glossotigma Elatinoides
As far as the other plant types go im not to sure. If anyone knows please let me know!

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Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
You have water wisteria in the back. The one on the right looks like a banana plant? The stuff next to the log looks like maybe a crypt?? And I have no clue the name for the small grass stuff in the front. I don't think I've seen a non-latin name for it.

From what I remember reading about wisteria, it's better to plant the stalks horizontally instead of vertically. It has something to do with the way they get bushy. I'm not totally sure about it though.

Sep 13, 2009
Maybe I am a little dense, but how exactly would you plant it horizontally? Sorry if its a stupid question.

On another note got back from the lfs with some activated carbon and pantihose, we will see if I can rid of this tannin a bit.


Small Fish
Nov 14, 2010
I have a lot of wisteria, it's my favourite plant. I find mine stays plenty bushy planted vertically, but if you find that yours is getting "leggy" you can let it float on top of the water for a week or so. It will start growing roots down from the stem and the leaves will start orienting themselves upward along the stem. Then you can plant the stem horizontally and you'll get growth out of the whole length of the stem.

I'm no expert but if you have .1 of ammonia and 0 nitrate AND nitrite it sounds like your tank is just starting the cycle. Has it already been established for a while or is this a new setup? Usually a cycled tank would have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites but would have some nitrates (the exact amount that's normal escapes me at the moment, I'm sure someone else more knowledgeable could give better info :p)

Forgive me if you know all this already, just not sure whether it was a new tank or not.

Good luck battling the tannins - I gave it up after 4 months of water changes and twice a week carbon changes and a tank that still looked like someone poured a lot of tea in it. I replaced my real wood with some really realistic looking fake stuff. Tannins are healthy and all but I like to be able to see my fish :p I'm going to soak my wood in a bucket all summer and see if I can get it cured eventually and then put it back in.

Sep 13, 2009
yes my reading for nitrate is 0. I use the hagen liquid tests

And I have gone through a stage where I had had nitrates high nitrites and high ammonia. The reason I believe the tank has cycled so fast is due to a couple reasons.

A - the substrate, I have heard allot of people having a very short cycle time when using mineralized soil
B- had the amount of plants you see now in it from day one
C- had a filter from a well established tank running in the new tank for 3 weeks.

So im 99% sure ive gone through the cycle but I will keep monitoring water parameters until I know for sure.

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Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I'm guessing you've gone through the cycle too. For some reason I have a similar tank situation in my 29 gal. I'm not sure if it's the plants or the huge chunk of driftwood, but my water always comes back as "barely" yellow-orange even with miles of pleco poop.

Sep 13, 2009
So one of my biggest questions with this tank is lighting. Right now I have 2 aquarium and 2 daylight t12 bulbs over the tank.. I know i need more light, but do you think t8 bulbs will cut it. If it makes a difference I dose with Flourish Excel daily.