looking for the right fish.


New Fish
May 2, 2012
Hello everybody. not really new to the hobby but just coming back. i always kept larger cichlids(started out with a oscar like many others) But had to rehome them all alone with several reptiles when i enlisted. the large tanks just didnt fit. now im back home and my wife picked me up a tank as kinda a house warming present. But i just cant figure out what to house in it.

Thank is a 56g 30x18x24H. running a Nexx filter with second tank(extension). sand bottom. not realy looking for a community tank think i wanna try to stick with cichlids. I think my problem is im trying to find something smaller thaqn has the personality the larger guys did but other than convicts i just have no expeirence with them. i keep looking at maybe firemouths or salvanis but dont know anything about either beyond what i can find in caresheets.

anyone have any recommendations?


Small Fish
Jan 28, 2012
Absolutely love my Salvini, though mine is a little on the shy side (compared to my Oscar, JDs and Rams though). Their colors are absolutely amazing, and with that footprint you should be able to keep a pair of them.
Mine has been very easy to care for, but be careful if you want to add tank mates/dithers. Ive lost a few Barbs and Rainbowfish to him that I never would have thought he'd eat (one of the Roselines was nearly 3" and he was only 4").