Looking To Buy items

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
I need to buy some bloodworms and/or blackworms. My LFS finally got my fire eels in but they don't have any live blackworms or bloodworms for them. I am feeding it frozen bloodworms and he is eating it seems, but i would like to spoil this fella as he is the prize possession of my tank. Lonewolf had one in past and his pictures got me hooked i finally got mine today, he is about 1 inch tall and thick, and at least 12 inches long already. Does anyone know of a good place in south cali where i can purchase some live bloodworm and blackworms? Or does anyone here at MFT have some cultures they would be willing to sell me as a starter kit or something so i can maintain my supply?


Sorry for posting a request after my long absence from MFT. I will take numerous pics tomorrow of my 60 gallon i now have canopy, 200 lbs of rock, black sand, and everything set up so will be good eye candy for fish enthusiasts all around.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome back :D

Last time I looked into culturing blackworms, the article started off with "Get seven 10g tanks set up..." at which point I stopped reading :)

You could feed some chopped up earthworms (if you can handle that). There are a few places that sell blackworms online, if you want to get them. They need to be kept in the fridge in a container, and can be kept for a month or so with daily rinsing.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
yea i would stop at that point as well lotus. I think i will try frozen for a few days see if he eats it or ignores it and go from there. The articles i read say it depends on the eel for what it eats, some like live food others like frozen and some mix. I might get online and stuff but gotta find cheap prices if that is possible nowdays...lol ttyal


Small Fish
Sep 13, 2007
try this

go to any place that sells live bait for fisherman. here in md you can get a dozen for $7-$10 and they will live a week in a cooler or fridge sometimes even longer. good luck *thumbsups