Lost and found...shrimp.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
I'd been staring into my tank for a few days now looking for my other shrimp and not seeing it. I thought it must be dead as I've had the pair for ages. How long does a Wood Shrimp live btw?

Anyway today I cleaned out the filter. Popped the top of the Fluval 104 and pulled out the sponges and out jumped a very pale looking shrimp onto the carpet. He/she was surprisingly active although understandingly jumpy as I was trying to catch it without damaging it any further. It jumped into my hand in the end and I got it back in the tank where it promptly disappeared in to the undergrowth.

It's out feeding now making up for a few days with little or no food. I suppose the only way it could have gotten into the filter was down the top of the protein skimmer. I suppose I'll have to do something about that now. It doesn't look much worse the wear for it's little journey though which is good, it only has a little antenna damage is all.

I'll add a couple of pics in a few minutes.