Lots of changes in the 75 gal.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
First off, a video I took a week ago upon introducing a male convict to the tank with my oscar and salvini. The listing in my sig. is the final stocking for this tank---the convict has not been included as a finalist...here's why:
YouTube - Heated Introduction - Con Meets Oscar + Salvini

You'll notice in subsequent pics that I've removed the PVC cave, along with the spotted Raphael cat which once resided in it. I decided the risk of having Triton puncture his gills on the catfish's pectoral spines wasn't worth it. Plus, I think the tank looks a lot better now without it.

I'll probably be adding another fake plant shortly (just like the one that's currently in there) to the far righthand corner, just behind the cave. Most likely it will be one size down from the one that's in there already (so as to infringe on open swimming space as little as possible).

Now who wants to see some closer pics of the salvini? *crazysmil

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks, Jeff.
And yeah, the oscar and salvini seem to be getting along quite well.
No chasing, gill-flaring, nipping, or any other sort of aggression. I know my oscar is content with things too, because he doesn't do any of his aggressive/defensive posturing (like what can be seen in the vid...he turns white when he's pi$$ed off).

Salvini is a relatively reclusive fish...mostly sticks to one cave at the bottom of the tank. His movements are careful and calculated, and you won't typically see him swimming out and about in the same way you would a more sociable/'in-your-face' type of cichlid such as a convict, for example. The oscar's demeanor seems to be helping him break out of his shell, so to speak. Salvini had been extremely reclusive and finicky for a while there in the other tank, but now that he's in with the oscar he seems to be a lot more comfortable.

By no means is he becoming a mirror image of an oscar's 'typical' personality, but he most definitely comes out of his cave a lot more. Heck, he'll come right up to the front of the tank whenever I approach and peer in at them. As soon as I whip out the bag of pellets at feeding time, he's right up there with the oscar at the water's surface, eagerly awaiting a meal.

Here's a couple shots of him near his cave:

The flash somewhat washes out his colors, so I'm including some more recent shots I took without using the flash---colors are much more true to what you actually see in person in these following pics:

Thanks for looking!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
It looks as though the Sal and the Oscar have an understanding. But that poor Con! LOL Good thing you took him out. Tank looks great!!

I think between me and you we keep MFT interesting with the constant changing of our tanks :p ;) LMAO!!!!!


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Great shots, BV.

If I'm not at work until some ungodly hour tonight, I'll try to get some shots of my new plant additions and the new CO2 reactor. It's a large piece of equipment, but I think it actually looks kind of neat when it's dissolving the bubbles...

I also need to do an updated stock list (flora & fauna) on my tank -- so if I forget, somebody remind me to do that ;)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Nice looking tank and fish....minus the oscar of course. ;) Thats a big con, good looking fish.

Off subject, i laughed so hard at your pug and the monkey BV. "Hey willow.." and he instantly gets up and sits...nice. And always cocking his head to the side hahahaha. Awesome dog.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Jeff...been reading the last few updates to your thread---looking forward to seeing some pics!

that is a huge a#$ fish. i wonder if he can take your finger off?
Haha, no...not yet!
I've stuck my finger in and let him strike at it, but it's never resulted in any pain or bleeding or anything, lol.

Matt...yeah, Willow is awesome...she's a little brat sometimes, but everyone seems to love her.

Katie...last time I added a con, I did so before adding the salvini.
Salvini was smaller than him, and thus the 'natural' pecking order was out of whack. This led to problems as the sal got bigger, which in turn created stress/aggression-related issues involving all of the fish. They could have probably worked things out eventually, but there were a few too many sparks flying, so I didn't want to prolong things.

This second time 'round I just happened to come across this gorgeous convict, which I was unable to pass up. He was about the same size as the salvini, if not slightly smaller. Also, he was going to be added to the tank last---after the salvini had already been in with the oscar for a while---so as to be at the bottom of the pecking order (which is where I wanted him). As you can see in the vid, his presence simply wasn't tolerated.

It's hard to say whether or not attempting this trio using my 2nd strategy would have worked if I were to have done it when the fish were younger. I think it would have had a decent chance, but in the end I'm glad to limit stocking in this tank to one oscar and one male salvini. I have to keep reminding myself that these are young fish, and they still have lots of growing to do. Territory may still become an issue as they mature, but we'll cross that bridge if/when we get there. For now, they seem to be getting along well, and therefore I do not plan on changing anything.

Thanks to everyone for looking and chiming in!