"Lots of Hiding Places" - Huh?


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
This may be a case of not seeing the forrest through the trees, but I see the phrase "Make sure you have lots of hiding places" quite often. Sometimes when you are trying to breed fish, the fry need to "hide" so they don't become dinner. And other times I see it when the female needs a place to "hide" from the male, for whatever reason.

When it comes to fry, I have that down pat. They are small enough, that a few plastic floating Baby Hide Outs, and live plants do the trick, because I am looking for them, and when I find them, I take them away from the danger.

The question I guess I'm asking is, what constitutes "lots of hiding places" for the adults? Maybe I'm just not being creative enough, but aside from plants, should I be investing in some artificial cave type structures? I guess I'm just afraid of junking up the tank. And maybe this is silly, but let's say the female goes and hides in the "Cave"...is the male that stupid that he can't find her and get her back out of the cave?

I know...I'm being crazy...aren't I...*crazysmil


Medium Fish
Sep 17, 2007
I think the idea behind hiding places is to brake up the line of site. "Out of site out of mind" as the saying goes. You can use natural rocks to make caves if you are worried about "junking up the tank".


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I find ceramic flower pots which are available in a multitude of differant sizes make really good 'caves' and still look more natural then say PVC pipes and are very inexpensive. You can have little tiny ones that are cory sized all the way up to huge Oscar size ones.

If you have really skiddish fish you can put them near dense plants so their entrances are partially obscured.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I tend to use driftwood with cave-like areas for most fish.

Some fish like certain types of hiding spaces. For example, bristlenose plecos prefer caves with one small opening (no second opening), and the opening should be just enough for them to get in or out. If you read up on individual fish, you'll probably find their preferences.

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
I like the clay pots but to some that could look junky. I like it but others might not. I have one in my 10G. In my main tank I use pieces of slate. Prop them against each other or against the side of the tank. One of my caves is a couple fist sized rocks with a piece of slate layed on top. Slate has a real natural look. I'm into the caves and hidey spots. My fish are too. ;)


Large Fish
Jun 11, 2008
I've got flower pots but my fish don't go into them unless they happen to be rummaging for bits of food inside. I do like their appearance though. But with flower pots, you can either chip out part of the edge and turn them upside down, or just lay them partially buried on their side.


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2006
Nor Cal
I have driftwood with holes, place driftwood to create caves, and have plenty of plants that either brake the line of sight, provide shade, or will grow like a carpet that they can swim into. A lot depends on the fish you have, and what your plans are.

Even if you go non-natural (plastic, etc), most are made hollow and have a great deal of caves/hiding spots.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I have 1 fake driftwood, a small bridge, some fake plants, and a little asian hut (in my avatar). The Barbs really liked the hut, but my red tailed shark steals it often. At night my shark loves to hide in the driftwood. I even angled it against the tank and he still loves being in it.


Large Fish
Sep 5, 2007
Deptford, NJ
I'm still trying to square away my hiding spots. I currently have:

A pirate skull, entrance on the bottom left side, and the eyes... the CAE loves swimming in and out of the eyes (it's so awesome), and some of the corys hide in there too.

2 pieces of driftwood, placed together (I have to occasionally rearrange to get a better cave affect) with an entrance. To enhance the entrance, I have a small bridge in front. CAE loves that too.

A resin rock, with 2 entrances... need I say the CAE loves that too?

I have 2 fake plants but it's only enough to break up LOS (line of sight). I'm still trying to find new ways of doing this.