Lots of Ice!!!

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
well, if some of you recal my tempiture problem, I still have it. I think the problem is that it is just to hot in my room. I open the window at night to cool my room down but during the day it just gets to warm.(no ac for my room) my averige temp is about 83. I know bad. it has been jumping up and down everyday. So far nothing has died(only have clean up crew) I have been puttin about 4 bags of ice in the tank over a days time, lol, sux. I think this is the only way. it's been so hot here.

I was just wondering if the temp spikes and waves bad for the fish??

and is any one els having a problem like this?

ok, have a good day guys... :cool:


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
First of all I dont know how YOU can deal with that heat.. but thats probably just becasue I love AC :).

83 isnt too bad but whats bad is the sudden temperature swing that could be shocking to the fish I think.

Lukcily I got a nice fan in my room and some ac so Ussualy my tank doesnt get to much heat


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
oh man... i can't imagine how hard it is to keep it at 83. i'm in Toronto, Canada and i'm having trouble keeping it at 83 too. i have to put an oscilating fan in front of my tank, and i have my lights lifted an extra 6" off the top of the tank and the hood is wide open too.

the best thing you could probably do is get a chiller and/or shorten your lighting time period.

Jul 19, 2005
Southern California
Yes, I am. In San Diego in an apartment with no a/c. It gets up to 85 during the day lately, though it's supposed to be cooler the next few days. In the room it gets to 90. How does the ice in the bag work?

EDIT: I'm cycling the tank so I guess the warm temps aren't too bad...but I do feel bad for my fish. I'm thinking I shouldn't bother with ice as temp swings will prolly be worse than constant high temperature.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
You could buit an easy chiller that works during the day. You take a polyester box commonly used for livestock transportation, drill 2 holes, one on the left of the box, the other on the right, big enough to fit a 20-25 inches tubing that you will enroll into the box. One end of the tubing will be jammed into a powerhead's output, the other one back into the tank. Inside the box, you put like 4 icepacks inside. The enrolled tubing will be stucked inside the closed box with the icepack, and they will last like 6-7 hours. Better have 8 icepacks, 4 in the freezer, 4 in the box..so when you come home you'll have a replacement. It's better than just a frozen bottle into a HOB filter since icepacks last longer, the box is keeping the cold temp, and there's no direct contact with water, so you don't care if the icepacks are leaking. It's a band aid trick, but the heat wave isn't gonna last so...