Lotsa current

Sep 2, 2006
So, I was reading in the Betta/Gourami forum's sticky that Bettas don't like too much current. I look in the tank that I am cycling and it looks like a breazy day in there. The fake plants are waving in the "wind" from Whisper 5-15 power filter. So, I have two options.

1 Abandon the small tank and move to a 10 gallon. I would then use the smaller tank for QT after setting up the 55g that I plan on getting in Oct.

2 find a different species of fish that would enjoy living in a whirlpool, but would still be OK in such a small tank (aproximately 6 gallons)

The problem with option 1 is that I have had this tank cycling for almost a week and have begun to see the Ammonia levels drop. I am afraid that if I moved to the bigger tank, even if I transferred the water and all of the substrate, that I would cause the biofilter that is starting to grow to crash. Mean that I would have to start over from scratch:mad:

The problem with option 2 is that I really liked the idea of the Betta in a real tank with filtration rather than struggling through life in a bowl. But, if I were to look at other species of fish, what would you guys suggest.

Better to figure these things out BEFORE getting the fish. I saw Froggy's post on impulse buying*twirlysmi

Thanks again for all of the info!

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