Loving family!?!?!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Guppies are like mice, in that they reproduce early and often! Is it OK to leave the brothers and sisters reproduce? Will they all be playing banjos if I do? :rolleyes: Should I trade them in at the LFS and replace with new blood once in a while?

I am making light of this but it is a serious question.*thumbsups *PEACE!*


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Typically you can let them mix up to 6 or 7 generations before you start seeing genetic degeneration (deformities). But like most fish you may still have some deformities from time to time even with the completely unrelated fish.

Yes trading in some to the LFS for some new blood every now and then is a good idea.

Apr 22, 2003
Hmm, a year and a half ago i bought a single pregnant guppy, and since then I've had several generations come out just out of that one litter. So a year and a half's worth of inbreeding. And I personally can't say i like the results down the line. They're still born healthy and grow and live fine and everything. But they all look the same, all the males and yellow snakeskins and the females are dull yellow. But what I've noticed in terms of the males I'm getting - its very rare for me to get any males and when I do get them they tend to stay small and their tails are not very impressive. When I say rarely get males and that they stay small, i mean compared to regular guppy litters - males are even less common, and stay much smaller than males I see in the store for example. Haven't seen any deformities, but still. So i personally reccomend that you do throw in some fresh blood once in a while.