Low PH Problems - HELP!


Small Fish
Feb 28, 2009
As far as I know my PH has always been low. I have had my tank for about 2-3 months and I used to test with the test kit and got readings at the highest of 8.0. I now purchased a Pinpoint PH monitor and my PH wont rise above 8.0 unless I add in the marine buffer other than that it hovers around 7.8 and sometimes at night or very early in the day it even lowers to 7.6. Please help me, I read several articles but am losing hope.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
OK, so an electronic monitor is DEFINITELY something to get used to ;). First off... how is the livestock? If they are all ok... don't worry too much! I go through a daily fluctuation from 7.82 up to 8.23 *everyday*... Its normal.

There are a few things to try though.
1) Recalibrate the probe. Make sure to use deionized or distilled water preferably from a pharmacy to rinse the probe between standard solutions.

2) I'm not sure about the calibration process for PinPoint but on my RKE (which uses a pinpoint probe) you need to wait for the "raw data" to stabalize (with in a certen range) before moving on to the next solution. I'd imagine it's the same with all units to some degree.

3) Try *gently* wiping the probe end with a soft q-tip. Gunk and crud will affect the reading.

4) Check you Alkalinity. (And what type of buffer are you using? Please do include the ingrediants incase I haven't seen it before) If that is low it will exaggerate the natural pH swings.

Give those a shot and see how it goes. Sometimes having too much information can be a bad thing... Honestly, unless there's a problem, it shouldn't be fixed ;).


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