I'm hoping to create a low tech SE backwater asian biotope in my 55g (on a budget, eww ), currently I have two male flame gourami which I plan to trade for few paradise fish.
I also have couple mollies w/ fry which will go into a 10g I'll be trading the fry for a school of Zebra Danios or a single Red Tail Shark (whatever the store has available). Any other fish recommended? (that's readily available at most LFS)
I have a list of fish at the end of the thread that I want to get eventually, any other back water fish that would go well in this setup? I'm still searching but keep finding the same fish over and over.
As for my plants,
I have the hygro, but thats the only native plant to this biotope I have, I've read that crypts aren't a backwater native, is there any other plant besides the bamboo (I keep seeing that one in my search) that will fit in?
Here is a short list of plants I have, I didn't have a plan in mind when I ordered.
I have a Kleiner Bar Sword with just a few leaves and it's about to flower, I don't have a tank suitable for it so it'll have to stay I guess unless I can find a place for it.
Ludwigia Natans once it roots I'll move it to the 10g
Dwarf sag.- I'll be keeping some in there until I get other plants
hygrophelia siamensis- keeper
Micro Brownei- moving to 10g
So my list of fish so far would be:
1 Red Fin Shark
5 Tiger Barbs
3+ Paradise Fish-aiming for 1 male 2 female
6 Zebra Danio
Anything wrong with the list so far?
I also have couple mollies w/ fry which will go into a 10g I'll be trading the fry for a school of Zebra Danios or a single Red Tail Shark (whatever the store has available). Any other fish recommended? (that's readily available at most LFS)
I have a list of fish at the end of the thread that I want to get eventually, any other back water fish that would go well in this setup? I'm still searching but keep finding the same fish over and over.
As for my plants,
I have the hygro, but thats the only native plant to this biotope I have, I've read that crypts aren't a backwater native, is there any other plant besides the bamboo (I keep seeing that one in my search) that will fit in?
Here is a short list of plants I have, I didn't have a plan in mind when I ordered.
I have a Kleiner Bar Sword with just a few leaves and it's about to flower, I don't have a tank suitable for it so it'll have to stay I guess unless I can find a place for it.
Ludwigia Natans once it roots I'll move it to the 10g
Dwarf sag.- I'll be keeping some in there until I get other plants
hygrophelia siamensis- keeper
Micro Brownei- moving to 10g
So my list of fish so far would be:
1 Red Fin Shark
5 Tiger Barbs
3+ Paradise Fish-aiming for 1 male 2 female
6 Zebra Danio
Anything wrong with the list so far?