Lucy died


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I'm guessing NTS (New Tank Syndrome). Either that or she had a throw-down with philbert and lost badly. I doubt the fighting though. She was acting super skittish this morning, breathing heavy, barely eating if at all. When I got home she was on the bottom with no physical marks on her. She was completely stiff and had red in her eyes instead of the black stripe.

So should I risk it with another GBR or go with something less likely to die to NTS?

I'd just picked up some of those sinking shrimp pellets Paige suggested too...
Paige said she went through 6 GBRs until one of them lived, right?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Could have been bad stock, aakaakaak. That's what I determined was wrong with the six I bought from the one LFS. I went to a different LFS and that's where I got Tyr. He's been going strong for 8 weeks now. If you don't want to try GBRs again, Bolivian rams are supposed to be more hardy. They aren't as colorful, but they have similar looks. And definitely get some sinking shrimp pellets (I use the Omega One Super Color sinking shrimp pellets and all my lower level fish LOVE them), as well as frozen bloodworms (if you don't already have some).


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I had a brand new bag of shrimp pellets in my hand when I walked in to a stiff fish. The DG loved them. So did the danios.

Since the only Ram people sell around here is the GBR I'm contemplating getting a krib or some other random dwarf cichlid I can find.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I'm sorry to hear about Lucy. What about getting a dwarf gourami? Or would it clash with your Fire Red Pygmy Gourami?

I feed my tank either flakes or frozen blood worms. Christopher (GBR) will eat either. When I feed blood worms I use a dropper to feed each fish so the less aggressive eaters still get food (this somewhat works).

I have been having really good luck with my GBR but he was older (I believe) when I got him since he was already adult size. He is huge compared to the GBR's my other LFS just got in. How long roughly does it take GBR's to reach adult size.

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Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
The fire red is dwarf, not pygmy. Adding another one in a 29 gallon would turn my tank into a royal rumble.

The place I got the GBR from has bolivian rams. I'll be picking one of those up on my way home tomorrow.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The fire red is dwarf, not pygmy. Adding another one in a 29 gallon would turn my tank into a royal rumble.
*Pssssst* You need to change your sig to reflect that you have a dwarf gourami NOT a pygmy, as there ARE pygmy gouramis which are actually quite peaceful and can be kept in pairs or trios. They are also known as sparkling gouramis. It'll help alleviate confusion when people suggest stuff.

Sparkling Gourami