macro in the display?


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
hi guys-
I have just started up a 37 gal. salt water aquarium, and wanted to know if a refugium is really needed if you want macro algae and are willing to put it in the display. if you have macro algae in the dislpay tank instead of a fuge, wouldn't they have the same effect as in a refugium? the would still absorb all your nitrates/phosphates, right? thanks.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yes they would. the only effect of not having the fuge thats taken out if you use macro in the display is the additional "buffering" against the pH swings between day and night. i put buffering in quotes because its not the same type that has to do with minerals in the water buffering the pH.
But dont worry, many tanks have been done w/o a fuge and turned out very successful so if you want the macro in the display, no body should be stopping you lol.

Theres also something about fuge and shelter for pods thats not as major to the function of the macro in a fuge environment. two main things were nutrient uptake and pH control. the former being the most important and can be accomplished in the display.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
My 90 gal reef had a CPR in tank refugium that actually worked really well. You have to be careful with macros in the display because some will take over and become a nuisance quickly. Don't put anything like caulerpa that has runners in your display because it will root into the rocks and be next to impossible to get rid of. To be safest you could convert an AquaClear filter into a HOB refugium or use one of the CPR HOB refugiums too.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
thanks alot, guys- im still not sure, but i'm leaning towards putting some chaeto in the display now, and maybe some flame algae too just cause its cool. I have also been thinking about mangroves in the display that possible? how would it be done? i think it would be real cool to just have them growing right out.