Magnesium Question


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My LFS sells a small bottle for $16, I was thinkin about trying to save a few $$$ and try and buy more for less, and I heard about Bulk Reef supply and found their link

Bulk Reef Supply - Bulk Reef Supply

But I am not sure what I need to order, anyone help me out with this?

They have that Octopus Extream 300 skimmer at $479.95

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Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I am no expert but, I haven't added any Mag. to my tank since I got it about a year ago. Checked my mag. the other nite with my new test kit, 920. I have it up to 1000 now, but I haven't checked it in two days. I do a 27 gallon water change every week, but lately I have been doing 2 or 3 water changes a week trying to lower my nitrate levels.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Last Saterday

Mag. 1000
Nitrates 15
dKH 8
alk 2.86
Calcium 400
I don't have a Phosphate number yet, Bought a Salifert test kit yesterday
but haven't used it yet. I spent last nite cleaning up my sump, lol, ask me how that went. Not to GOOD, lol. But all is good now, only got three stiches.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
all your numbers are good with the exception of the mg. It should be 3 times the ca as a general rule of thumb. I use Bulk Reef Supply and use their two part system which also has a mg addition each cycle. The mg they use is good and it is cheap to buy also. You must ensure the purity of the product and these guys are reliable with great customer service. Buying a skimmer from them would be a benefit also. Great company easy to deal with and have great after sale service