
I'm having a hell of a time getting my magnesium to rise any significant amount. I've added about 7 shot glasses of Epsolm salts, and it is only at 1200. The DKH is a little high, maybe that is affecting it? Calcium was dead on last test at 450.

Any suggestions? I added 3 more shots after completing the test and will probably test again tomorrow.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well in most cases frequent and dilligent water changes should maintain your mg levels where they should be. I use a 2part system for ca and dkh and every 8 weeks I add 2 cups of epsom salts diluted in 20oz of water. This maintains my mg level where I like it. at about 3 to 4 times my ca level. I have used this regimen for about 2.5 years without any problems.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hmmm I use Tropic Marin Reef Pro, it is expensive and I don't know really if the added expense is worth it. Reef Chrystals is probably just as good and much cheaper