magnum HOT on 20gal?


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
There is no such thing as too much filtration in IMO. However, the general rule is that you should turn the tank over 6-10 times per hour. So for your 20 gallon tank, you're looking for 120-200gph of filtration. Personally, I think the HOT magnum would be fine (I have 2 of them on my 46g) you just may need to play with the 'aiming' of the discharge so the current is not too strong (like aim it at the glass or something).


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
The magnum isn't my favorite filter for full time use. You will find that under a decent bioload the foam pad will get clogged often. They are best used as quick filters to help clear up a tank after you been mucking around in it.

However, I don't think it's over kill. It's a little on the high side of GPH for a 20 but like you said....too much filtration is never enough. 2 of them would be IMO overkill.

You may want to get the bioweel attachment or drop some form of noodle down in the filter, between the outer an inner tubes. But a buddy of mine uses a bare bone one on his 55g Oscar tank with out much of an issue. He does get a little ammonia spike if he gravel vacs and rinses the foam pad the same day..So that's summin to think about.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Is this the tank your lil royal is in?? If so you need all the filtration you can get, and they like lots of current.

I have almost 1500 gph on my 90 with my big royal in it.