About 5-6weeks, I was away and all my mom new how to do besides feed the fish was to "top off" the tank from evaporated water. Boy were my tanks dirty when I got home.....
Gomer: nitrates and phosphates and there is a belief that Discus do 'biological warfare' (the big guys excrete something that reduces the growth of others)
They're big fish that eat and poop a lot nitrates climb pretty quick given the chance.
Gomer - It helps - but you'd need some seriously fast growing plants. Plus I'm not willing to trust the Discus with CO2 (at least not yet). Without CO2 chances are the tank would turn into one big green forest of algae
It is possible, to get away with less water changes, but not with young growing discus.
Thats why i want 3"-4" discus to start with......gotta look at the money situation too.
I do water changes once every 3-4 weeks cause my Convict cichlids can live in horrible conditions......like rats.....live in horrible conditions and breed A LOT.
If you can't be bothered to do water changes then discus are just a nonstarter.
Andy - I think the story that discus actively secrete something to inhibit growth is a fairy story, however fish do react to dissolved organics in the water, and that's more than just nitrate and so on. I think the discus metabolism is designed for very good quality water