Major lighting setup issue!

Apr 3, 2006
I am looking to fit a lighting setup of 42w or over to a 33.5" tank.
I have a 28 gallon tank, and have been informed that i need 1.5w per gallon as a rule. I have 10 plants in tank and the majority of them are turning yellow. My tank is currently cycling and i am worried that the decaying plants are going to kill off my fish (3 red wag platies, 3 blackwidow tetras).
I have searched countless sights and cannot find a setup to fulfill my needs, i have been looking at single bulb setups, am i looking for the wrong thing? Will a 2 bulb setup adding to over 42w do the same job as a stronger single bulb?
I am so confused, the tank has only been cycling for a couple of days and already i am stressing about things i had never dreampt i would have to worry about.
I am based in the UK and am struggling to find a viable option.
Please help if you can, any suggestion is greatly appreciated.


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Jan 13, 2006
you are going to need more than a single tube light fixture, the highest watts i have seen on a flourescent is 25 watts, so you might want to go with the power compact lights they are better for the plants too.

Apr 3, 2006
Thanks Fish,
I found some power compacts and it looks like they will do the job nicely, just a matter of raising the funds for such a purchase, they are quite expensive with the starter kit and all. At this rate i shall have to give up on the plants, if i could only find something to keep the plants alive for a couple of weeks until i could sort it out. I fear i may not have thought this through very throughly and bitten off more than i can chew!
Any suggestions?
Will removing the plants cause undue stress as they have only been in a couple of days, the tank is cycling and the tank will be bare once the planting has gone!

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Apr 3, 2006
I've found myself wandering a little. I have a basic gravel setup at the moment. I was wondering as i have just found out about flourite while surfing the forum. Would i be able to add flourite on top of my gravel safely without distressing the fish or/and messing up the ecosystem. Just another of the many questions i have now got that i really should have been considering before starting to cycle my tank!
God theres a wealth of information and various setups that i never even realised would be an issue i would need to consider when i started on this facinating adventure!

Thanks for any help as always,

Also i have read that my tetras and platies shouldnt get on but they seem to be fine with sharing the tank at the moment. Is this something i should be wary of or is this just a myth?

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