Malawi Food


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Hey I just finished stocking out the folks tank with 12 Malawi cichlids.

I will list the common names as I don't know the scientific names, lol!

4 - Red Zebra Cichlids
3 - Blue Mbunas
2 - Demasoni
3 - Yellow Labs

5 - Tiger Barbs

I added the tiger barbs about 6 weeks ago just to get the tank the way I like. I wanted to make sure all the equipment worked etc. They didn't go through a cycle as I added a lot of "stuff" from my tank.

Since the introduction of so many fish would have crashed the tank I invested in some Bio-Spira. I just got off the phone with my mom and she finished testing the water and ammonia and nitrites are zero!!!

I talked them into getting some new lights. They bought a PC 220w 2 55w -10,000K and 2 - 55w actinic blue bulbs. When the light comes in I will definitely take some pics.

Overall I am really jealous that the tank isn't mine and I don't get to enjoy it everyday. The action that was going on in the tank after the fish were introduced as amazing. I have never seen anything like it. When I move and get some more space I am definitely setting up an African Cichlid tank. 3 minutes after they were in the tank I was already feeding them. I had never seen Africans feed before, man what a sight.

Anyway just wanted to thank everyone who helped me out a few weeks ago when I was trying to figure out how to set-up this tank. I promise I will post some pictures as soon as the new lights are up and running.


EDIT: I got so carried away I forgot why I originally posted (I am slowly losing my mind). I know these guys need a lot of green in their diets and less meaty foods. Is there a flake or pellet food that is a good source of daily diets for these guys? Right now I have the folks feeding them a combination of standard flake food and Spirulina flake food. Is there another food that they should also be getting?

I also told them to supplement their diet with some romaine lettuce and possibly cucumbers. Didn't know for sure. I was hoping you guys could help me out. I want to avoid the Malawi bloat.

Last question. I will eventually want to put a pleco in there. Will some of the more odd variety of plecos work or do you have to use common plecos because of their size?

Thanks in advance for any help. I really appreciate everything.

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Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Thanks Ryan. I appreciate the tip. I did however run into a problem while doing so researching on the internet. I didn't realize how aggresive the demasoni were. I have since placed a call to the folks and on Wednesday they will be taking the 2 demasonis back to the store and replacing them a yellow lab and another blue zebra that will make 4 each.

I had just figured since the demasonis were mbunas they would be okay but from the info on cichlid-forum I was way off. I just hope everyone does okay until Wednesday.

Should I advise them to get the demasonis out before then or do think they will be okay until Wed.? I have told them to watch for serious squabbles and tattered fins.


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Good Lord!!! That is one beautiful tank. I won't be around to fret over this tank like my tank here at the house and I don't think anyone is ready for a crash course in plants. I wanted to go straight rocks but since my last trip home I found the family felt the need to put in plastic plants. I don't really care for them but it is there tank.

I am with Orion I like the rock-scapes that talented cichlid aquarist put together. I also like it when they mix a vew real plants. I really like the way that jungle vals look in a rock set-up.

Hey Janlo when are we gonna get to see some new pics of your re-done tank?


Large Fish
Nov 9, 2004
Visit site
i know its not a tipical cichlid tank, but you know that im a plant lover, so ...

check the professional tanks of Adg (Jeff Senske) for inspiration!

click on freshwater aquariums section... plenty of nice cichlids tanks

as for my tank, the rotala is growing nicely to cover the black background.. pics soon!
Ill make soon another planted tank for my sister too...


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Yeah I have set up three tanks for different family members. It is a way for me to try different things with other peoples money!!

I know what you mean about being a plant lover!!

Hey I took your advice about the rocks. I used all black river stone in place of all the other rocks (except for the big ones I used for terracing) and I must say that you were right!!! The foreground looks more unified and inviting.

I cannot wait to see your tank. I bet it will look fantastic!!


Large Fish
Nov 9, 2004
Visit site
yes rocks and diftwood are playing a large role in aquascaping. When i changed my old driftwood and rocks for new ones, it really helped.

as for my tank, well, my new aquascape didnt made the impact that i wanted originally, but its still a little better than before... i putted out a lot of plants and reduced the species.
And i lost half of my fish too! :( because of the new rummy nose and neons schools that brought diseases...


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Same thing happened to me when I had a bunch of tetras. I doubt I will ever keep tetras again because of it.

Yeah I always have a picture in my mind of what I want my tank to look like but for whatever reason I can't always achieve it exactly. Oh well. Can't wait to see your tank.