Male betta spitting out food


Large Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I got a male betta just over a week ago and he seems to be a picky eater. I've tried feeding him Warley betta pellets and he grabs them then spits them out. He'll continue doing this several times and even pick at 'em at the bottom of the tank. He never finishes them though and the pieces look as big as they originally were. He did eat a few pieces of freeze dried blood worms, but now he does the same thing with them (spitting 'em out). I've tried flakes and he tried them once and won't even bite at them when I put them in. It almost looks like he can't eat the pellets though because they're too big or hard. What should I do to get him eating regularly?


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Try Betta bites from HBH. These are micro pellet, and I feed my fry with these once they're big enough to eat them.
You may also want to try frozen brine shrimp. This is something that no betta would resist!
Switching the diet from time to time is actually not a bad idea for bettas.