Male Betta won't befriend frog

Mar 30, 2005
Okay...I'm aware that male bettas recommended tank mates are white clouds & african frogs. However, a friend of mine called me & said that her frog and betta were fighting- it is a new male betta...the last one died. Are they just trying to be territorial? She seperated them, worried that they would pick eachother to death. Is this normal?

very normal...frogs are 'almost' good betta tankmates...if you have a very territroial betta, the frog won't survive. They don't even have the defense of scales, so its doesn't take much to rip into them.

My betta Skye, that has an ADf in with him is a lazy, laid back he mostly leaves him alone...tho there are occasional tussles for food...but I'm there to break them up. Elmo, who is a very fiesty tail biter, has killed every tankmate he's ever had, including an ADF, except large snails.

Obviously your friends betta does not have the temperment for a frog. He will just keep harassing until the frog dies...or the frog will find a safe hidey and never come out, either way, its not a good situation for a frog.


Large Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I just added an oto and ADF in my tank and it's funny 'cause it seems like the ADF is the boss of my betta, lol. Betta took a bite at the frog, but he seemed unphased by it. Later as my betta swam by, the ADF grabbed his fins which caused my betta to freak out and drag him across the tank, haha. Now he just kinda looks at the ADF and ignores him. He picks on the oto sometimes though. Poor guy. :( BTW, I'm amazed at how fast the oto cleaned all the brown off my anubias nanas. This guy's eating nonstop off my driftwood now!