Male betta


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2008
I read the first sticky at the top of this betta forum. So from what I understand, I can put a MALE betta in my 55 gal? Fish list is below. Or I can put him in a smaller tank with some neons?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
it really does depend on yo betta and his personality. some do great in community tanks but some are just plain mean and pick on everyone

i would say just watch the mollies whe/if yo add him, they can be a bit nippy


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2008
On Friday I put our male betta in with 5 neons in our 5 gal hex. At first he would strike at a neon quite often. I kept an eye out during the day, thinking if he didn't settle down I would take him back out as not to stress the neons so much. After a while he settled down a bit. Over Saturday he would chase them just a bit, but not really "strike". Yesterday two of the neons where nosing him and he let them. So I think they will all get along.

This is going to be our QT tank when we get new fish, or a sick fish. I don't want to put him back in a bowl when I need a QT. I am not worried about the neons in the 55g but still not sure about the betta in there with the mollies.