Male or female


New Fish
Jun 28, 2008
Anyway to tell the sex of my Serpae Tetra? Markings or colorings. Thank you. <*(((---{


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2008
this is what I found doing a google seach: "Sexing, as with most other tetras, can be difficult due to there being few obvious differences between the sexes. However, males are usually more slim and smaller than females. There is also a visible difference between the shape of the swim bladder, which can be seen above & behind the silverish abdominal cavity."

Here is what it says about breeding if you are interested: "The Blood Characins are some of the easier Tetras to breed. Condition the pair well and use a small breeding tank (3 to 5 gallons) with a dark substrate and containing many fine leafed plants such as Myriophyllum, Cabomba and some Java moss, also include some floating material as well.. The water qualities should be soft and acidic, readings of: pH 6-7 and 4-8 dH should be fine keep the temperature in the middle seventies. The small transparent eggs will be strewn among the plants. Remove the parents after spawning. The fry hatch in 24-28 hours. Feed the young baby brine shrimp, Infusoria, egg yolk, and when larger, finely crushed flake food.