Mandarin Food


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
As some of ya'll remember about four or five months into having my tank my LFS swore to me I could have a Mandarin fish in my tank and that it wouldn't starve to death because of the amount of LR I have in my tank, so I bought one and you guessed it, the fish died (never did find it, I think a crab hitch hicker on my LR got him). So about two months ago my LFS started getting this new product in ( I have bought three bottles at differant times) Whats in the bottle is supposed to be the little creatures that the Mandarin fish and other fish eat, the water in the bottle looks greenish in color and has a piece of grass in it, but you can't see the creatures as they are all so small (are there aren't any in there, lol. ) Anyway, I have been noticing the past few mornings when the tank lights come on, these very little white creatures on the glass of my tank, after the lights come on and you and you look away from the tank and then back they seen to magically seen to disappear. I was wondering if these might be the creatures in the bottle starting to grow? I am wanting to get another Mandarin, but I don't want the same results as the last time. My LFS says all I have to do is buy a bottle a month of this stuff and put it in the tank and the fish will be alright. I told him I wasn't willing to spend $12 a bottle a month for a $10 fish. I have bought three bottles of the stuff in the hopes of getting them to bread a large amount of them in the tank. Any thoughts for me?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
there hard to find but i actually wouldnt buy a mandrin UNLESS you can find one thats eating pellets, mysis or something other than pods... the things on the glass are pods but IME the population comes and goes and though that stuff might help it doesnt gaurentee anything... btw is that stuff called dr g's?