Ok, I just came home from work and well was looking at my fishies like I normally do when I get home from a stressful day at work.... when I realized I had'nt seen my Red-Tail Orange shark I bought a 3 days ago in two days! I checked the temperature, yup temp. still the same, checked in hiding spots, no dead fishy body.. started my search around the tank (though I have a lid that covers like 99% of the tank (only opening for filter and heater) and... who's body do I find, but my red-tail orange shark!. ... I have had many red-tail orange sharks for a few years now and I have never encountered a suicidal one.
Where his body was located he would have had to clear like 3 inches long, and get some good height approx. 3 inches as well....
I recall hearing splashing in the tank the other night/early monring, just thinking it was normal fish behaviour, or well just some of the fish fighting or something... But Never would I have guessed it was my red-tail orange shark commiting suicide!
I use to have a Pleco. that just to jump out and onto the Filter water run off area alot... He would sit there and let the water run past him
I wounder if I could still get my refund for him. The store I get my fish at have a 7 day refund policy. If your fish dies in 7 days they refund it. Though that only counts for water type deaths, and you have to bring in a sample of your tanks water for testing..... My fish was manic depressive or something that still counts right? LOL!
Has anyone encountered any of their red-tail orange sharks jumping out of the tank like that?
Where his body was located he would have had to clear like 3 inches long, and get some good height approx. 3 inches as well....
I recall hearing splashing in the tank the other night/early monring, just thinking it was normal fish behaviour, or well just some of the fish fighting or something... But Never would I have guessed it was my red-tail orange shark commiting suicide!
I use to have a Pleco. that just to jump out and onto the Filter water run off area alot... He would sit there and let the water run past him
I wounder if I could still get my refund for him. The store I get my fish at have a 7 day refund policy. If your fish dies in 7 days they refund it. Though that only counts for water type deaths, and you have to bring in a sample of your tanks water for testing..... My fish was manic depressive or something that still counts right? LOL!
Has anyone encountered any of their red-tail orange sharks jumping out of the tank like that?