My 10 gal. is home to two gold fish, I have been wanting to add two or three cories in but knew that they wouldnt appreciate the low temperature. Today I got a larger power strip so I'm thinking about plugging in my old heater from when I used to have a beta and african dwarf frog in there. What I'm aiming for is a temperature that would satisfy the goldfish and a couple of cories. Do you think this is possible? Perhaps about 73? The temperature during the day now is at 72 with no heater, so what I would be doing is stopping temp fluctuations. Does anyone think this is a good/bad idea? I dont want to be boiling my goldfish.
Next question: My family recently inherited a male guppy and zebra danio from a neighbor, they are in what appears to be a 5 gal. with no heater or filter (that is how the neighbor kept them for over 6 months, I would never keep tropical fish without a heater, although the water is about 74. We only got them about three weeks ago) so my family want to add them to one of my tanks. Question is which? I'm leaning towards the goldfish, especially if I get the heater for it. The goldfish are currently small, I think the danio and guppy may have passd away by the time the goldfish get large. The reason I do not want to put them in the 29 gal. is that I know the guppy will be eaten and I want to keep them together. I also know danios like to be around eachother, but realistically there is no room for more. I cant get rid of them because they were a "gift" for my brothers who love them. What do you all think on this?
Final question: I found a place that has yo-yo loaches, I really like them and would like to add one to my 29 gal. Will this work?
Sorry this was so long, and if you have no oppinion on the subjects sorry for taking your time and thank you for reading =)
Next question: My family recently inherited a male guppy and zebra danio from a neighbor, they are in what appears to be a 5 gal. with no heater or filter (that is how the neighbor kept them for over 6 months, I would never keep tropical fish without a heater, although the water is about 74. We only got them about three weeks ago) so my family want to add them to one of my tanks. Question is which? I'm leaning towards the goldfish, especially if I get the heater for it. The goldfish are currently small, I think the danio and guppy may have passd away by the time the goldfish get large. The reason I do not want to put them in the 29 gal. is that I know the guppy will be eaten and I want to keep them together. I also know danios like to be around eachother, but realistically there is no room for more. I cant get rid of them because they were a "gift" for my brothers who love them. What do you all think on this?
Final question: I found a place that has yo-yo loaches, I really like them and would like to add one to my 29 gal. Will this work?
Sorry this was so long, and if you have no oppinion on the subjects sorry for taking your time and thank you for reading =)