Many time viewer, first time poster

Jul 15, 2003
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I just wanted to say hello and thank you to all who provide the information and laughs. I only found this website a couple of weeks ago and everytime I get on the internet I find myself here. This is the first forum I have ever joined. I have had smaller fish tanks practically all my life but just this year I have started adding the big boys (well big to me at least I know from reading posts that quite a few of you can put even 75 gallons to shame). I am not new to fish, but I wouldn't call myself an expert either. I know what works for me, and I am always eager for someone else's opinions and ideas.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Well I was ready to give you a nice warm welcome, when I went to hit the 'submit' button and accidenatlly clicked "log out". Yes this is the famous thread that happened on :D
Anyway you have some nice tanks there :) What do you plan on putting in your 75 gal?

Jul 15, 2003
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Where do I keep my tanks? It goes like this:

- 2 gal - bathroom
- 5 gal - kitchen
- 10 gal goldfish - my bedroom
- 10 gal hospital - under my
- 29 gal- which is in the family room

The 75 gal (I'm thinking cichlids) is in the garage sitting empty while - you guessed it - I figure how where to put it. Actually it is more like putting it where I want it. It's going to take some major redecorating but I'm gonna make it work- and look good :). I couldn't refuse the deal I got on it so I bought it without really thinking ahead.