Maracyn for blue/green algae

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Who was it that used this for cynobacteria or blue/green algae?
Ron? dattack?

Well my filter got clogged with some java moss I was trying to prune, and I had very slow water movement towards the bottom of my 29 gallon.

As a result, I noticed a few pieces of gravel getting some. Well I cleaned the filter, and vacced the gravel.  More water changes, cut the lights.

Anyways, it is getting worse, and I wondered who used the maracyn for it and if you could let me know exactly how long you used it for and ect.  

There is also maracyn 2 out, so which did you use.

If anyone else has a way , let me know.

BTW, melafix did NOT have any effect on it.That stuff smells like it has Vicks in it. :p


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I used Maracyn II in the past.  It works like a charm!
No more cyanobacteria.  I believe there were a couple of other people on this board who used it as a last resort and it did the job.
I used it as long as recommended for treat of fish disease as stated on the packaging.  You want to treat it at full length and 1/2 or full strengh in order not to have resistant strains if a few bacteria were to survive.  (This is in theory of course like any other antibiotics)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I used Erythromycin, which is what Maracyn is. I used it as a last resort in my 29g, despite all the problems I've heard, like the killing of you bio filter. Well, I ground up two tabs (400mg total) and dumped it in. By the next morning, the cyanobacteria was almost gone. Dosed 400mg again. Next day, 400mg more. By now it's gone, except for the traces along the front wall where the substrate meets the glass. I did a water change, performed routine maintenance as usual, and dosed 200mg again. I have one tab leftover, which I never got around to putting in, but as of today (1 and a half weeks later), plant growth has been exceptional, all fish are healthy, and BG algae is gone.

I performed water test daily. The results are as follows:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5-10
Ph: 6.8-7.0

So, the antibiotic did not influence any parameters in MY tank. The fish didn't seem to stress over it at all, and there has been no cloudiness in the tank since that would indicate any major re-establishment of bacteria.



I had some massive blue/green attacks in my planted tanks. I think I also used Erythromycin. I actually used more than recommended. I think it said something like 1 tablet for every 10Gs. I used 1.5 tablets for every 10Gs. One dose required and its gone. Does not harm plants.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I never replyed to this thread..

I went to my LFS, and they wanted too much(more than I wanted to pay for maracyn 1 or 2. Would have cost $14(I believe it would have been $7 online for the dose I needed)

So, I bleached it all. I kinda like watching the blue green algae turn white and die  *crazysmiley*

Anyways, I decided to redo the tank and it's occupants, and do another fully planted tank. I am aquascaping much different on this one.

I have kind of a cliff scheme going on. I am sure the plants on the top of the cliff will just love how close to the light they are now.

I am also going with the following.
-80 wats over 29 gallons.
-Two bottles of Co2(one is only hooked up at this time)
-Normal gravel
-filter is a magnum 350
-ferts are plant gro(for now) leaf zone, root tabs+iron, plant food tabs.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I am also going for the cliffs/cave look.  I plann on terracing back, the have the cliffs at the very rear - but higher than the front of the tank.  Do you have any pics of your newly aquascaped tank?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes, I need to upload them yet. Will do that possably tonight.

It won't have the effect I want till the plants I need grow over the "cliff" and hang down a little.

The ambulia, which I was having ok results in my 55 gallon, is grow just like it use to in the same 29 when it was previously fully planted. I think in my 55 gallon, the flo lights just don't cut it at the bottom. Even though my gloss is growing (running) pretty nicely.

I also went with the gravel I had on hand, white with some brown. The tank is 100% brighter than my 55 gallon with the flourite. Kinda makes it look different too. *thumbsup2*