Marble convicts? any info please

Feb 1, 2004
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i have two marble convicts that i dont really know much about are they very similar to normal convicts or have they just got the same name,any info would be great.
Theyve bred and i can see the eggs in the rocks theyre in a 48"x12"x18" tank i think its 27 gallon, with a firemouth a red tailed black shark and some smaller fish(platys,daniostiger barbs)any tips for raiseing them(if they hatch)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
A marbled convict like Oscar said, is just a Black X Pink convict cross. So its basically a normal convict. Well i guess as you found out its basically "just add water" to breed them. Once they hatch they should carry an egg sack for a few days. Then you should start droping finely crushed...i mean like...powder fine near them. Brine shrimp are also another good feeder. I believe you could use some kind of Liquid Fry Food and thats just like brine shrimp....liquid fry food is sold at most LFS's. They are pretty hardy so i wouldn't worry about doing any Extra W/Cs. Basically they are very easy to raise and care for. :) Just feed them and do regualr W/Cs and you should see growing babies.

Thats a 55gal tank.