Marineland Hex 5 gallon opinions


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
Visit site
These are on sale right now at Petsmart for $40 and was thinking of getting one and "moving up in the world" so to speak in the world of fishkeeping.

Was wanting some opinions on them from anyone who already has one:
Do you like it? Do you keep it at room temperature and if so, is the temp pretty constant throughout? Do you use a heater? Do you have problems with the tank overheating? Do you like the filter? Etc., etc.

I'm just really trying to find out if this would be a good home for some fish. I'll also take any suggestions on what kind of fish and how many you think would be good in a little five gallon.

Thanks so much! :)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I haven't heard any complaints about that specific tank...but I've also never had one.

My two cents: what do you have now that 5 gallons is upgrading to? :) If I were you and you're getting the itch to upgrade I would get a bigger tank. If you keep your eyes peeled in the classified ads and garage sales etc you could get a much bigger tank for that amount of money. I got my 15G hex at a garage sale...with a stand and a light and a hood...for 18 dollars.