Mass Grave

I have no idea what happened. . . I'm so upset all of a sudden I kept losing a fish a day . . . starting with my little Nemo.

My poor baby. She was my first fry, my most favorite.
I miss her so much

Then my new Platty went missing . . . . then Hikui (one of the Platty twins I also raised from a fry) . . . . then one of my neon Tetras. . . then Patina my female betta. . . .then my female guppy

then I realized that all of the fish that had died were torn up. . . .

Tanya my other female betta had gone on a killing rampage.

Shes out of the tank now but I am left with Bokuchiku, Aggate, and Go, Taiyo, Nigel, Bennett, Vin and Diesel. Tanya is in another tank.

Rest in peace my babies