if anybody wounderd what happend to all my 7 fully running tanks and like u saw me post and like a week after u saw it everytank was taken down
anybody that knows me u know how many tanks and what kinda
but i had fully running
1 1/2G
plus a 185 but it only was running for like a month
id want to tell you what happend now for the confused people
ill just name all 7/8 tanks and all the fish in them
10-brackish spotted puffer figure 8
10gpainted turtles at one time/convict breeding thing
20g- cooomity tank (guppies mollys pleco) misc plants
no mystery ones in this one c-man ^.^
30G- at one time 2 very small oscar
which where moved to 75G
then a coumity tank of like oiver 30 small fish where moved in
you may think im a sick freak for posting this (don'i say anything c-man)but alot happend in that week
my birth maker (father) knows nothing about any kinda fish i told him to add water but i guess he mistaking that for ammmonia and thats basicly what happend
one oscar comited suicide
but ya just so everybody knows thats what happend
i still got all the tanks lying in my basement i think i may set them all up and buy a few more i want about 10 fully running tanks by the end of the summer
anybody that knows me u know how many tanks and what kinda
but i had fully running
1 1/2G
plus a 185 but it only was running for like a month
id want to tell you what happend now for the confused people
ill just name all 7/8 tanks and all the fish in them
10-brackish spotted puffer figure 8
10gpainted turtles at one time/convict breeding thing
20g- cooomity tank (guppies mollys pleco) misc plants
no mystery ones in this one c-man ^.^
30G- at one time 2 very small oscar
which where moved to 75G
then a coumity tank of like oiver 30 small fish where moved in
you may think im a sick freak for posting this (don'i say anything c-man)but alot happend in that week
my birth maker (father) knows nothing about any kinda fish i told him to add water but i guess he mistaking that for ammmonia and thats basicly what happend
one oscar comited suicide
but ya just so everybody knows thats what happend
i still got all the tanks lying in my basement i think i may set them all up and buy a few more i want about 10 fully running tanks by the end of the summer