I will probably blunder into this, but the mating rituals of fish baffle me. The bettas seem to be pretty will documentedl, but with the common live bearers not so much. Oh, I know when they are actually mating but right now I seem to have another phenomenon. I have three sunset platies, the largest being about 1.25 inches, the other two a scant inch. The larger one looks pregnant, but she is small and at least one of the others acts male, but because of their small size I can't be certain of either one. For a couple of days now the female and the smaller of the other two are doing what looks like a little dance in one corner of the tank. The male keeps his nose right near her oviduct and then they go back and forth - but she is not trying to get away from him and they stay in about a 3 inch cube. The third platy approaches every few minutes and the other small platy charges and he goes back to the opposite corner and waits for a few minutes and tries again.
I can't see any attempts to breed nor have I seen any fry - unless they are getting funneled directly into the little male's mouth. Maybe they are just kids playing like grown-ups. No one seems stress or hurt and they don't seem to mind the other larger mollies in the tank. (They are a different color - green tuxedos) It is probably just normal fish behavior which we normally don't get to observe unless we are doing a lot of just "sitting around" which I happened to be doing.
I can't see any attempts to breed nor have I seen any fry - unless they are getting funneled directly into the little male's mouth. Maybe they are just kids playing like grown-ups. No one seems stress or hurt and they don't seem to mind the other larger mollies in the tank. (They are a different color - green tuxedos) It is probably just normal fish behavior which we normally don't get to observe unless we are doing a lot of just "sitting around" which I happened to be doing.