May I introduce myself?

Jun 1, 2003
Riverbank, California
Visit site
Hello everyone, I am new to your message board, but soon I hope to be everyones friend. This is a great place to learn and educate on aqaurism. Ive already learned a lot since ive been here for my few days that i have been here. Ok now to let you guys know a little about me, my name is Jeff Mitchell, I am from Riverbank, California, not the best twon to grow up in (I betcha I'm propably the only one in this town with a pet fish lol) Ive been fascinated with fish all my life. Ive had fish since I was young, but wasn't allowed to tend to them myself till I was 16, I am 19 now so I got a few years of experience in, but I'm sure there is plenty to learn! I work at my local Jiffy Lube, a fun place to work. At the moment I have 3 tanks running, a 29 a 20 and a 55 that has been cycling for a few days now. You guys will see me posting a lot, because I'm not afraid to ask questions because I wanna learn more abou these aqautic creatures!!! lol


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Yeah Gomer, who was that again ...?!
Welcome fishRmyLife, its always great to have someone who loves fish and wants to learn about them, I dont think any questions go answered around these parts =)
Where abouts in CA is riverbank?