Ok, I recently went out and bought myself one of those mag-floats. Wow what an awesome device! And fun as hell too! Nontheless, after cleaning the glass about a week ago, I noticed as I walked towards the tank I missed a spot or two. As I got closer and REALLY looked at the glass I noticed small white dots. I know for a sure they are not Planaria. I have had those small white worms before and these are not it. They appear to be a translucent "sacs". They sort of sway with the current in the water. Could this be a type of algae? I would say the size of each "sac" is smaller than a pin head. As a matter of fact, if you move back about 2 feet away they are invisable. Does anyone know what Im talking about? Is it algae? By the way, it eventually comes off with that mag-float.