Maybe I'll Get it Right? :P


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
So I've made several posts here already, each one to the tune of "ZOMG HELP WHAT DO I DO?!" Well, after a few replies and many MANY hours of research, I've got a better handle on what I need to do for my bettas Io and Hoshi.

Each is housed in a 2.5G tank, with thermometer, heater (the mini ones that run about $20 and have no temp settings), gravel substrate, some plastic plants, and conditioned/lightly aquarium salted tap water. The temp is kept at a steady 78F, and I do 25% water changes with a siphon once weekly, or more if the water gets super nasty. I've been working to keep ammonia down, but I can only keep it at about .75-1ppm at best. So, time for filters.

I found some Red Sea Nano Filters on eBay for a good price, so I'm grabbing one for each tank. I know fish-in cycling certainly isn't the preferred way to go, but at this point I really have no choice. Do y'all have suggestions on how often I should change my water to keep my boys alive, and an estimate of how long the cycle will take since I'll be disturbing it? A how-to website would also be good, if you know of one. Thanks!


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
You have to keep a really close eye on fish-in cycles. However, you will kinda luck out with the betta, since they can handle alot of water conditions. The water should really just be changed when you levels start rising. It can be daily...or weekly depends on the "output" of your fish..and the speed of the cycle. Just keep a very close eye on them and your fish will be just fine.

As I said...your betta will be easier to fish-in cycle than most fish are.