mbuna? ID plz just wondering what these lil guy/girl are


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2006
Ok so one of the fish places is getting rid of some of its stock & all the stuff is moved around & some things aren’t where they are supposed to be. This fish was marked as elongateous (sp) any way I got them for next to nothing as a rescue because they were tearing out the tank units. I've had cichlids for a while now mostly mbuna. They get along fine with them but I do have another tank on the side incase they become a problem. *SUNSMILE*

I think it looks mbuna sry for the photo quality

it is sort of grey ish, sometimes more purple or blueish with a yellow tinge to its finns with irrideent blue flecks around his head & a slight virticale striping. Posibly due to stress or something, after all it is in a new home. The fish is 2 inches long. Any guess as to it's id would be helpful.

Even if it is a hybrid I still like it. *twirlysmi I'm actually sort of fond of hybrids. (Not that I encourage razing them) I think breading them should be avoided, but some hybrids are still beautiful fish in their own right & I just think they should be appreciated a little bit more.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2006
well the second one hides alot & has 4 eggspots it looks just like ths one tbut I can't get a pic of it. It looks the same & hides even more than this one they seem to be rather unagresive, even my 1 inch yellow lab fry run her.

it looks looks like a female ice blue but i'm wondering because the other one with the eggspots is diging & what not but looks the same. unles the males change color as they get older. The one with the eggspots is a little under 2 inches

probly is a girl (whatever it is) like you both said, I was thinking the same thing
any other guess?

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