Mbuna in a planted tank??

I am wondering if i would be able to keep Mbuna in my 55G and if they will be fine with the real plants???? I moved the fish in the 55G into the 75G after i sold the jewel fry and i cleaned the tank(85% of the water). I am interested in Mbuna but if i can't get them, then would 4 pink convicts and 4 normal convicts be good in there and with eachother???


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Mbuna are generally not a good thing in a planted tank, Ive seen pictures of planted mbuna tanks before though...
8 cons in a 55gal? naww once they pair and have babies it will be a bloodbath i just know it.

From what I read off of other boards(planted tank, aquaticplantcentral) that you can keep anubias, moss, and ferns in there. Anything that will attach itself to rock then your good. The main plants I think would be Anubias since it will look good with Africans due to the fact its from africa lol. Just make sure it is attached to the rock or in a secure place before adding the mbuna. They will nibble on it, no doubt about that.

The same will go for the Cons but you also have more room to grow because you can add some stem plants if you bury the stems deep enough. Either way leaves will be nibbled on. Let us know what you decide.

^I agree with Katie. 8 Cons, not good. I would say 4 but that still might be pucshing it but Im not an expert!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Its possible, but they like their veggies so any non tough plant might get chewed on and for sure up rooted. What kind of plants/mbuna are you thinking of? Some species are more tolerant then others with the plants and the plants with the fish.

Like Anubias, java fern, etc could be good choices because they can be attached to things. Val as well, thats a pretty tough plant and natural in some parts of the lakes.