well our 55 gallon turned into a 75 gallon (we gave the 55 to my father-in-law and are buying a 75 this weekend) in the hopes of having a nicer mbuna set-up that includes one larger fish
through research i thought a frontosa might be nice...even tho mixing lakes is not usually advised, alot of people say that fronts do well in a mbuna set-up
but today while researching frontosa a little more some say that he'll most likely get picked on terribly by the mbunas...so now i'm unsure about putting a front in with them
i realize there are really no yes or no answers as far as compatiblity, but i'd appreciate any experiances, opinions and/or general knowledge
we planned on buying them all pretty young and adding them all at the same time
is there maybe a larger fish that would be more likely to do well or are mbunas better left to themselves?
thanx in advance for any input
through research i thought a frontosa might be nice...even tho mixing lakes is not usually advised, alot of people say that fronts do well in a mbuna set-up
but today while researching frontosa a little more some say that he'll most likely get picked on terribly by the mbunas...so now i'm unsure about putting a front in with them
i realize there are really no yes or no answers as far as compatiblity, but i'd appreciate any experiances, opinions and/or general knowledge
we planned on buying them all pretty young and adding them all at the same time
is there maybe a larger fish that would be more likely to do well or are mbunas better left to themselves?
thanx in advance for any input