I went to shut the tank lights off and caught sight of my common pleco.... to my horror, he was still alive, but completely eyeless!!!!! The cichlids in my 55gallon, which moved into the tank about 2 weeks ago, must be the culprits.........
Poor pleco.........
His fins showed signs of wear and he appeared a bit emaciated as well. I had my boyfriend net him for me (I'm sure the sight of that eyeless body will disturb him for a while ) and slipped poor Sucky into a tupperware headed for the freezer.........
Goodbye, Sucky.......
On another note, the pleco had outgrown the 10G, and was a prime suspect in the disappearance of several batches of kribensis babies so he couldn't stay in the 25G either. Nor the brood tanks. For some reason I thought he'd be okay in with the Africans...... I don't normally keep common plecos (I have a pair of BNs in another tank) but as he was about 6" big I guess I thought he could fend for himself.
While it's possible that his eyes were destroyed due to some infection or disease, I didn't see any signs of one. I've sometimes seen him on a rock or the glass after lights-out, but come to think of it, the last few days he's seemed to stay well hidden in amongst the 'caves' and rocks.....
So, anyone care to discuss? Any clues/ideas? Anyone ever had anything like that happen to a non-mbuna in an African tank?