Mbuna tortured my pleco til I had to euthanize him


I went to shut the tank lights off and caught sight of my common pleco.... to my horror, he was still alive, but completely eyeless!!!!! :eek: The cichlids in my 55gallon, which moved into the tank about 2 weeks ago, must be the culprits.........

Poor pleco.........

His fins showed signs of wear and he appeared a bit emaciated as well. I had my boyfriend net him for me (I'm sure the sight of that eyeless body will disturb him for a while :( ) and slipped poor Sucky into a tupperware headed for the freezer.........

Goodbye, Sucky.......


On another note, the pleco had outgrown the 10G, and was a prime suspect in the disappearance of several batches of kribensis babies so he couldn't stay in the 25G either. Nor the brood tanks. For some reason I thought he'd be okay in with the Africans...... I don't normally keep common plecos (I have a pair of BNs in another tank) but as he was about 6" big I guess I thought he could fend for himself.

While it's possible that his eyes were destroyed due to some infection or disease, I didn't see any signs of one. I've sometimes seen him on a rock or the glass after lights-out, but come to think of it, the last few days he's seemed to stay well hidden in amongst the 'caves' and rocks.....

So, anyone care to discuss? Any clues/ideas? Anyone ever had anything like that happen to a non-mbuna in an African tank?


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I'm so very sorry - it's such a bummer to lose a fish like that. I wish I had more knowledge as to what the culprit was but I dont. All I have is a sympathetic shoulder :(