Well those spots are called "Egg spots". I know on some when they are laying eggs, the females mistake those for eggs that they didn't pick up. When they go after those spots on a male's tail he directs his sperm into her mouth where the other eggs are....fertilizing them, hopefully. This doesn't mean all that have egg spots are males, i just know this happens some in different species. Eggspots are not a good way to sex a fish, both females and males will sometimes end up with them, weird but true. Males will sometimes be more vibrant and defined, might also have more than a female.
You should try to take a pic anyway, it will at least give us a general idea to shoot for.
At first guess, and a shot in the dark is some kind of OB (Orange Blotch) hybrid. The body color may be different than this profile but this is just to show the darker spots.
Oh, love the thread title...its a good one.
Its one of those words you'd just love to yell out like that.