Well the fishless cycling allowed me to fully stock at once which worked a treat only I think I'm completely overstocked now. I lost half my cardinals very quickly so I added 8 more using the drip method and they all survived....when I wa santicipating 4.
Now in my 130l tank I have 6 long finned zebra danios who are eating each others tails off, 4 Bosemai rainbow fish, 12 cardinal tetras, 3 otos and 3 peppered cories.
I'm having to do 50% water changes twice a week to keep the nitrates down....after 4 days they're up to 60 ppm. Tap water 25-30 ppm.
I've got some plants in there...hygro polysperma, anubias nana, crypt wendii and hygro limon something.
I'm trying not to overfeed.
Will the nitrates settle down or am i going to spend half my life doing water changes?! What happens when the fish grow? Daily changes :-@
Can anyone tell me how long my fish will live? The danios have made such a mess of each other I won't replace them when they die...or any others.
Any advice please?
Now in my 130l tank I have 6 long finned zebra danios who are eating each others tails off, 4 Bosemai rainbow fish, 12 cardinal tetras, 3 otos and 3 peppered cories.
I'm having to do 50% water changes twice a week to keep the nitrates down....after 4 days they're up to 60 ppm. Tap water 25-30 ppm.
I've got some plants in there...hygro polysperma, anubias nana, crypt wendii and hygro limon something.
I'm trying not to overfeed.
Will the nitrates settle down or am i going to spend half my life doing water changes?! What happens when the fish grow? Daily changes :-@
Can anyone tell me how long my fish will live? The danios have made such a mess of each other I won't replace them when they die...or any others.
Any advice please?