Mean Leopard Danio

Mar 28, 2003
Visit site
My leopard danio has a terrible mean streak. He's broken the jaw of the Zebra, bitten off most of the tail of Merry, bitten the other Leopard Danio to death, and bitten off most of one of the neon's tail and fins.

I have him in a breeders net in the tank that's about 3" wide and 5" long. Is it okay to keep him in there for a while? I can't convince either of my parents to buy another tank. :(

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
He should be fine in there for a little bit. When I have a Angel with a mean streak I will put them in my 55g which houses larger fish. I use this as a "time-out" period, sounds funny but it works most of the time. When I did not have another tank to put them in I would banish them to the bredder net, if they were small enough. I've never done this with a schooling fish though...
I don't know if it will work or not but you danis is certainly causing enough damege for him to be isolated. Good Luck!