Mean Tiger Barbs


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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I picked up 2 "normal" tiger barbs and 5 paleatus cories for my 20gal High. I figured the tigers and cories would get a long. I guess I was wrong. About 10 minutes after letting the cories go, the tigers were close behind nipping at their fins. So I moved the cories into my 29gal with 7 zebra danios. So far the danios haven't done anything. I don't think they will.

This pushes my shell dweller plans back some. But my dad is getting a 10 gal. I will take my 6gal Eclipse back and put the cories in there.

Now a couple of questions:

1. Right now, I have 7 tiger barbs (5 albino, 2 "normal). Does anyone have any suggestions for tiger barb tank mates? I was thinking an angelfish j/k. How about a few cherry barbs or harlequins? I think maybe I should throw a convict in there and teach 'em a lesson. ;)

2. In a 6 gal eclipse, I will put the 5 paleatus cories. Would I be able to add some more fish? Or would the 5 cories be the limit? I was thinking 5-6 neon tetras or 2 cherry barbs.


Medium Fish
May 30, 2003
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Well, I pretty much keep a species tank of Tiger Barbs with the exeption of having a plecostomus and three otocinclus in with the nine Tiger Barbs. I have yet to see the Tiger Barbs nip once at them. You may want to increase the number of Tiger Barbs since they tend to be less agressive and keep to themselves in groups of 5 or more.


Medium Fish
Apr 6, 2003
Yarmouth, N.S.
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Argh! Tiger Barbs are NOT aggressive fish if kept in the proper setting. :p Look at my signature. :)

I recommend keeping more than two Tigers because they will nip as you've already seen. Some of the fish in my tank would be more than vulnerable, but I haven't had a single case of nipped fins since starting this tank.

My tank seems to be quite diverse, without casualties.

Any other kinds of barbs are usually fine. BlackRuby Barbs usually stick near the bottom w/ Tigers in the middle. I also have three ember barbs that follow the barbs around schooling with them, and they are great together. If you have the room, I recommend Lemon Finned Barbs... my personal fav fish.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by N©KI
Argh! Tiger Barbs are NOT aggressive fish if kept in the proper setting. :p Look at my signature. :)

Hmmm....I don't think they are aggressive...just overly playful. ;) Also, I only have a 20gal. Not an 80gal. :p

Hey, pyackel. You say your tiger barbs don't nip your pleco and otos? I thought the same thing about my cories. But the tigers had different plans. What size tank do you have? Because I was also thinking about some otos. But I might not get any slower moving fish. I think I need some fish that will stick up for themselves. Maybe a convict....


Medium Fish
May 30, 2003
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They are in a 29 gallon. But like I said - you may want to try getting more of the Tiger Barbs so that they will be more occupied amongst themselves. 5-6 Tiger Barbs is a good minimum to help reduce their fin nipping tendencies.

Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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more tigers will not work as you already have enough. cherries may work but make sure you get a school of about 5 of them as otherwise they might attack your tigers and you would have just moved the problem to a different fish.

I think five neons would go well with your danios - I dont recommend putting the danios with cherries as they can be agressive as well.

Cherries, aggressive, come on. This is the most docile fish on the block. They don't school anyway so it doesn't make a difference on numbers, it least in my experiences w/ em. Don't put the cherries in the six, it'll drive em crazy, they need room.

Other barbs are probabally your best bet w/ tigers...especially really agressive ones. Ncki is definately right on that. I'd shy away from throwing cherries in w/ em, they'd (the cherries) would get destroyed. It would be a 5 minute KO if the tigers took offense to em.

May 27, 2003
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From my experience, serpae tetras can hold their own against tiger barbs (well, so far). Serpae tetras can be some mean little fin nippers also. I have 5 serpae tetras with 6 tiget barbs. Seems like the serpae tetras are more aggressive. However, who knows whats going to happen when my tiger barbs are full grown? They are the same size as the serpae tetras right now.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Hmm...interesting ideas, everyone. I appreciate it. :D

I never thought about serpae tetras. I'll look into the serpae tetras. Otherwise, I'll just get some more normal and albino tiger barbs. Maybe round the stock out to 6-7 of each.

Thanks for your suggestions, everyone.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Okay. I've thought this through....well, at least I think so, anyway.

I think I am going to try the serpae tetras. I think I will get 5 of those guys. Should I get more? Less? 5 is enough?

I just hope they kinda cancel the tiger barbs out. I don't want a gang war in my tank. :(


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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You said you got 2 new tiger barbs with the corys. after a day or even a week when your new tigers team up and join your old tigers pecking order the corys should be fine to re-add to the tank. and you can go about doing your original plan.

and with the tetras. get 7. As 7 just seems to be the magic minimum for schooling fish.