Measure twice... Buy once


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
*PEACE!* I'm the king if brainfarts...

Bought a new tank yesterday. Was supposed to be my new fry growout tank for my FW angels. Even though I was standing there looking, measuring and thinking for about an hour... The new tank wont fit. (Somehow I decided that 25" tall would fit nicely on the top shelf of the rack - even though I curse and swear having to maintain the 20" tall 25g tanks). There's a grand total of 5" between the new tanks trim and the ceiling - not exactly maintainable.

Gave me gooder idears though... I've been seriously thinking about an eel for the predator tank; And it would be nice to be able to keep the dragon wrasse a bit longer (he's awesome - even if he does chew up all my snails and hermits). So I placed an order for a custom built stand, and the 65 is coming off the rack in a couple weeks, to take the place of the 20g pred tank.

*SUPERSMIL . Now... What am I going to do with all those baby angelfish?

Oh yeah... Between the Lion, the wrasse and the eel... They're lunch! *thumbsups
