Measuring SG...

Now that I am taking SW seriously, I am getting real technical with my readings. I really can't stand the regular old hyrdrometer, so I broke out the one I use for making beer and floated it directly in the tank. They are WAY off!!

Anyone else ever use one of those for their tank? I highly doubt that the regular one is accurate (.024), but also can't imagine my tank being as low as the other one said (.020).



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yes it probably is that far off, especially if using a swing arm style hydrometer which can be skewed with anything as small as a microscopic airbubble. I use a refractometer, though maybe not as accurate as a floating hydrometer it is consistent and within variances.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I use a refractometer, too. The hydrometer for beer should be better. I know there's a way to check the calibration to make sure... I just don't know what it is :) Distilled water should read at zero, that's for sure.

You can up salinity by just topping off with saltwater for a few days (instead of freshwater).

okay... so it dawned on me that the floating hydrometer is calibrated to 60f for beer making and must be adjusted when the wort first comes out of the pot at boiling temp. So of course my 80f water needs to be adjusted also. Sure enough, once I got the adjustment chart and applied it, I got a reading of .0226... almost perfect. I'll be using the floater from now on.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The floating hydrometer are more accurate once you take into acount the calibration for temp. I would still aim for a sg of about 1.024 to 1.026