hello. i am currently running a large central american cichlid tank (125g) and want your opinons on good HOB filters for mostly mechanical filtration, to supplement an eheim 2028.
are the whispers decent? i have used aquaclears with some luck....i just hate how the sponges are never cut the right size and how the little "black tab" on the bottom of the filter always falls off. (you know, the one that keeps the filter upright on the back of the tank)
i was also considering the hot magnums, but havent heard much about them.
i am mainly looking for extra mechanical for messy cichlids.
are the whispers decent? i have used aquaclears with some luck....i just hate how the sponges are never cut the right size and how the little "black tab" on the bottom of the filter always falls off. (you know, the one that keeps the filter upright on the back of the tank)
i was also considering the hot magnums, but havent heard much about them.
i am mainly looking for extra mechanical for messy cichlids.