Meet Tigga and Snowflake, now how much can they eat?


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
I purchased two oscars from a LFS, one I think is a red tiger oscar, and the other I believe to be an albino tiger oscar, they were labeled simply, Oscars. I got these guys around a month ago, and in that time, the red tiger oscar has doubled in size, while the albino is growing at a much slower rate, is that okay? Also, how much can these guys eat? I understand they have voracious appetites, but these guys are just non-stop hungry, minutes after eating so many pellets I think they'll explode, they'll be back at the top begging me for more. Can you guys just share your own oscar stories, let me know your personal experiences? I'm moving these guys into a 75 gallon in June after I move, so I think they'll be fine for tank space, they are currently in a planted 30 gallon.

sorry the pics are a lil blurry, there's a skylight over the tank and it's daytime, plus they just don't sit still when I'm near the tank.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Nice, the one isn't a red tiger, just a red oscar. :) I love the reds, but I think 2 is the limit on Oscars for us.

I hope you end up with a pair if you plan on the 75gal being the main tank at adult size. Mine were outgrowing my 75gal at 6-7"each, but I think mine are both males. I think a pair would do ok in a 75gal though.

They really are awesome fish, I love mine! They will eat as much as you will feed them! LOL I usually limit my boys to 1-2 feedings a day, but with your guys being so young, 2-3 woulden't hurt. What are you feeding them?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Don't you love fish that are cute and 'ugly' at the same time? lol
Nice fish, Toam. I like em' both...especially the rusty-colored one.

Tank setup looks good too!
I'll have to post in that thread you started in the Lounge once my tanks' situation gets sorted out.

Alas...I have no oscar experiences to share either...someday...

BV ;)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Big Vine said:
I'll have to post in that thread you started in the Lounge once my tanks' situation gets sorted out.
Me too! LOL I've been meaning to post in that thread, but I keep having to move things around for quarentine or upgrades. I'll get around to it, I am working on it. :)


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Virgowolf: I feed them Hikari cichlid gold mini pellets(the size of bb's) and also they sometimes go after the Nutrafin Max complete flake food that I feed the rosies and horseface loach.

Big Vine: I like the rusty colored one as well, when I picked him up, he was covered in black lines that contrasted nicely, that's why I thought the tiger oscar, his lines have faded as he's grown though.


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
I saw some in teh fisbh shop the other day, i think they were red tiger oscars (they were black with shiny red stripes on their body). Anyway I was wonderign could I put one in my 35 gallon? If it got too big I would probably sell it to my friend who has fish and get a smaller one, i really want one but do you think it would be alright for my tank (below). I also have neons harlequin rasboras and such though that could be a problem.....

Cas :D


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
I'll be honest with you, from what I've read, an Oscar will tend to eat whatever fits in it's mouth, and that includes just about everything in your signature since they are all 1" and 2" fish. I purchased my oscars at 1" and a month later the one is almost 3"'s and already trying to nibble on my rosie red minnows which are 2" fish. The size of tank will be fine though, temporarily, as I have mine in a 30 gallon for the moment. But you must understand, they WILL outgrow a 30 gallon, I am picking up a 75 or so when I move, which is the only reason I could justify getting these guys. So far though, I absolutely love them, the one already has loads of character, and the albino, is starting to develop it's own now as well. Also, even though they could both be the same sex, they already do a lot of rubbing on eachother, and stay very close, which is wonderful to see(thought that could change as they reach sexual maturity, I don't really know).