melafix...please help...


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
high there...sorry to bang on about this...
but i want to do all i can for my male betta...
[full story on relevant thread]...

i was going to do 10% changes every night...
to keep his water as clean as possible...

but the melafix bottle says to add the fluid for seven days...
and then do a 25% change...
[to build the 'agents' concentration i guess]...

i did a ten percenter last night...
what should i do...follow the bottle i guess...

i also wonder how the 16 platy fry will fare in the same tank...
will they be hassled by the addition of the melafix...
my guess is not...

what about the use of a polyfilter in this tank...
will it influence the melafix...

i was going to raise the temp too...
it's at 25 centigrade at the moment...[77 F]...
how high should i go...
and can the fry handle it ok...
they are about 3/4's of an inch long now...
probly 5 weeks old...hardly fry i guess...

any answers much appreciado...cheers...

Sep 8, 2005
The melafix will not harm your platies. No need to raise the temp with the melafix either. I have used this many times with a water change of 25% half way through the dosing without ill effects. Your filter is fine. Remove charcoal if you are using it.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
His polyfilter acts much in the same way as charcoal (lesson he taut me) Remove it. They tell you to dose the Melafix every day because it evaporates out of the water. Not to discourage the other posters in your other thread but after the initial use of stresscoat. I wouldn't add it any more. Stresscoat is organic based (aloe I think) and it really isn't meant to be used as a daily treatment. If you dose it everyday your going to be overloading your biofilter as it decays, even with the 10% water change. The goal is to keep his water clean not add to the dissolved organics in the tank.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
thanks chums...
conflicting replies on the polyfilter tho... :('s still in at the moment...

no charcol in my fry tank...temp is stable at 25 C...
platties are fine...they are nearly an inch long...
so they are hardly fry anymore...

not looking too good for 'dago red'...
he's getting worse...
i'll keep on with the melafix tho...
thanks for your help...


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
echoofformless said:
Melafix isn't very effective for any established or serious disorder. It's best use is for very slight fin rot or fungal issues; only to aid in the fish's natural recovery, not to fully treat the disease.

You might need something stronger if it isn't too late.
hey there...i thought that would be the case...
reading the's seems a little mild for dago red's condition...
wot is stronger... ???

thing is i watch him...
i think i'll have to let him go...
i'm guessing his injuries are internal... :(